Sunday, July 30, 2006

If you have nothing nice to say...

Man, words hurt.

I won't say what. I won't say where. Not even why or who I hurt. But it just sucks when you say things without thinking and they're interpreted MUCH differently than what you initially intended.

If the world was full of women, and armies were all women, you could win a war just by the words you say. Say a few mean words, make the whole army cry, and the war is over! I guess that's why people say "let's talk about this" rather than get involved in a fight or something. Because words hurt so much more. You can inflict so much pain.

In this case, I'm an extremely deadly assassin, and I didn't even know it.

The mouth is equivalent to a loaded out!

/end rant

1 comment:

Spared said...

In that case, my mouth is an UZI.