One of the first rules when learning how to drive is always yield to pedestrians. That's a fair rule to follow when you're at a stop sign or at a traffic light. I've got no complaints.
But when you're driving around in a parking lot looking for a place to park and people are walking in the center of the lane taking their motherF-ing time, this rule is a major irritant. People don't have any courtesy these days when it comes to getting out of the way, or even walking along the side of the lane in the parking lot. Sometimes I feel like driving right through. If people need to learn how to drive, people should also learn how to walk becuase people definitely do not know how to do that properly these days.
Have you ever had the urge to stick your head out the window and scream at "stupid" people? I've had that urge before.. but never acted on it..yet! haha
Well, I don't know you but had to comment on this post because stupid people + driving = a HUGE pet peeve of mine! :) I agree that pedestrians can just be RUDE sometimes... Don't you also hate it when you're waiting to turn and someone is crossing the street V-E-R-Y S-L-O-W-L-Y? (OK, grandmas & pregnant women don't count, I guess.) But when it's a young person who CLEARLY sees that you're waiting and they take their sweet time, I just want to go anyway sometimes... Know what I mean? *sigh* OK, I'm done. Thanks for listening. :)
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