Saturday, May 27, 2006

"Now all restaurants are Taco Bell"

Imagine those famous words that Lt. Lenina Huxley told John Spartan in Demolition Man were true. Imagine that all restaurants were now Taco Bell. What do you think would happen?

  • Perhaps global warming would be accelerated due to massive global farting.
  • Perhaps there wouldn't be any threat of bird flu in the world, since everyone would be eating tacos, burritos, quasedillas and supreme fries; instead of eating bird flu inducing animals.
  • Perhaps my Mexican food cravings would go away. *

Imagine that.

*Note: I did in fact go to Taco Bell for dinner today after several years of avoidance, and I must admit, it was quite delicious.


Anonymous said...

mmm i love taco bell

Anonymous said...; You saved my day again.